9 Reasons To List Your Ag Equipment With DreamDirt Auctions

Jan 28, 2016

Jason J Smith

Jason J Smith

Auctioneer & Land Broker

Jason is an experienced farmland broker and auctioneer with extensive experience in farmland sales across this Midwest.  Jason has worked with hundreds of clients to create advantageous outcomes.  If you are selling land schedule a consultation with Jason by calling or using the calendar.

Read Jason's Full Bio Here

Phone: 515-537-6633     Email: [email protected]

Why should you list your machinery with DreamDirt?



Springtime is coming and farm machinery consignment auctions are just around the corner.  A lot of machinery trades hands in the Spring and its expected the Spring of 2016 will be no exception.  We hold both LIVE equipment auctions with online bidding as well as ALL ONLINE BIDDING auctions for farm equipment in the Spring.  In fact, we do farm equipment auctions all year long, not just in the Spring and Fall which has made us popular among buyers because they know we are a source they can count on and they understand our system.

#1 Reason MAXIMUM EXPOSURE!  Most farm machinery consignment auctions don’t get much beyond local exposure.  Some of our competitors use the phrase “Nationwide Exposure” relying on the argument they have a website when in reality the website is getting very little traffic.  At DreamDirt we’ve got a true nationwide marketing solution and we’ve sold equipment to every Midwestern state and 21 different states and 3 foreign countries as proof.  We’ve gotten pretty good at lining up trucking!

When you list your machinery with DreamDirt SOME of the benefits you get are “in auction preview videos”, full color sale bills and direct mailers, listings on DreamDirt.com in two places, Bidopia, placement in our social media with over 35,000 followers, AuctionZip, Global Auction Guide, Craigslist ads, statewide newspaper ads, radio ads, social media ads on Facebook and Twitter, Internet ads on agricultural websites, email campaigns to our current email list numbering near 10,000 subscribers and your equipment gets listed on the very popular Fastline website which is backed by our full page ad in their publication which is mailed out to 70,000 farms in Iowa 14 times a year.  Nobody offers all of that kind of exposure to their sellers, you can’t hardly miss if you sell with DreamDirt!

Most auctioneers promote the auction itself, we spend a great deal of time on item level marketing making sure you are getting the most views and the best exposure online and offline.  Its meticulous but the results are always worth the effort.

Farm Machinery Auctioneers in iowa

Reason #2 Our commissions are very low varying from 0-3% for all online auctions.

Reason #3 We offer same day settlement if you need the cash right away

Reason #4 We are REAL Auctioneers.  Have you ever stopped to think when you consider listing machinery on some of the popular websites to try to sell it who exactly is representing you?  Who is looking after your best interest?  Who is making the decisions to make sure you get the best money for your equipment?  That real answer is, nobody.  Why trust your money to a computer system when you can hire a team of real auction professionals for the same money or less?  Turn it over to us and get a check in the mail, its really that easy.

 Reason #5 With our online auctions you don’t even have to lift a finger.  Its absolutely effortless and you NEVER move your equipment anywhere.  When we have sold the equipment and the buyer has paid they receive a paid invoice to present to you when they pick the equipment up and you get a check in the mail.  You’ll have contact with your local Auctioneer and auction specialist the entire time if you have questions.

Iowa auctioneers of farm equipment

Reason #6 Our clients are continually impressed with the results they get.  After our last online auction Dave Schrock wrote us about his experience with one of our auction specialists and said “DreamDirt and Dana have helped Schrock Farms relocate several items from our inventory to folks who needed them.  I was not solicited for this review, I just wanted to say Dana does an excellent job of presentation so if you have great items you no longer need I recommend you let Dana and DreamDirt find them a new home”  Dave had hoped to get at least $9000 for his tractor, he was pretty happy when he found out that we sold it for $18,150.

Reason #7 Our people are professionals.  They are well trained, every one of them and they have experienced every imaginable situation possible.  They understand equipment values and the process of making your assets the most valuable it can be.  Thats what they do, they help you know what matters.  They offer expert advice and can present multiple solutions to solve problems.

iowa farmland auctioneers

Reason #8 In July 2015 the National Auctioneers Association named DreamDirt.com as the #1 Auction Auction Company website in their marketing competition and for the last 2 years the Iowa Auctioneers Association has recognized DreamDirt.com the #1 Auction Company Website in the state of Iowa.  We’ve made a big investment in our website and platform to ensure it works flawlessly and that it has constant traffic to discover your assets.  If thats not enough, we also produced the first place Agricultural Machinery Sale bill in both the state and national auction marketing contest in 2015.

iowas most effective auctioneers

Reason #9 You don’t want to give it away, we know that and 2016 is definitely the year that demand sagged. We do everything we can do to identify demand and expose your equipment to as many potential bidders as we can.  Competition drives auctions and we understand the need to find the demand for your machines so you don’t give it away.

Request a Free Valuation for Your Farm or Land Property

Whether you’re ready to start the selling process, or even remotely curious, we will gladly provide you with a FREE Market Analysis! If you are in a position to sell land in the Midwest, we want to help you achieve the top of the market on your sale.

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