Dickinson County, Iowa Farmland Values and Land Auction Information

The following information is from Iowa State University’s Land Survey that’s released each December. It is only a guide and won’t apply exactly to your farmland.  Last update 12/2024. Data on this page can be up to 12 months old. To see current Iowa land prices and most recent farmland sales results click here

Dickinson County Iowa Farmland Value Profile

Dickinson County Iowa Farmland Prices 2024
  • The average value of farmland in Dickinson County is $12,594 per acre which was down $562 from 2023 to 2024.
  • The average price of tillable farmland per CSR2 point in Dickinson County is $145 for 2024 land auctions.
  • Dickinson County is ranked #35 in the state of Iowa in average dollars per acre for tillable farmland.
  • The highest sale of farmland in Dickinson County in 2024 was $15,000 per acre.
Location Northwest Iowa
County Size 381 sq. miles
Total Acres 201,126
Cropland Acres 180.906
Average Price Per Acre Farmland $12,594
Average Price Per Acre for Northwest, IA $14,109
CSR2 Weighted Average 79.9
CSR2 Cropland Average 87
State Average CSR2 68.6
Average Price per CSR2 $145
Average County Rent $272
Rent Range $245 - $302
Average rent for Northwest, Iowa $304
Rent per CSR2 Point $3.13
Improved Permanent Pasture $101
Unimproved Permanent Pasture $65
Stalk Grazing per Acre $23
Hunting Rights per Acre $NA
If you have questions about selling farmland see our Iowa Farmland Sales FAQ or get a Free Farmland Market Analysis.

Towns: Aolds Park, Orleans, Terril, Lake Park, Spirit Lake, Wahpeton, Milford, Superior, West Okoboji, Okoboji

Unincorporated Areas: Montgomery

Townships: Center Grove, Lakeville, Okoboji, Spirit Lake, Diamond Lake, Lloyd, Richland, Superior, Excelsior, Milford, Silver Lake, Westport

History: Dickinson County, the smallest Iowa county in land area, is named in honor of Daniel S. Dickinson, a lawyer and senator from New York. In the summer of 1856 Rowland Gardner came from Cerro Gordo County to settle. He and his family erected cabins, which came to be known as Gardners Grove. Soon after many families started to settle in the area. But by the end of the year the population was only 40 residents, half of that being children.In the winter of 1856-1857 a renegade band of Sioux Indians attacked the settlers around the lake, killing all but four women. Later, two of the four women were murdered and the remaining two were rescued. For six days the ravaging and pillaging of settlements and killing of livestock continued. Word of the “Spirit Lake Massacre” finally reached Fort Dodge. An expedition was launched to pursue the Indians, but the main job tued out to be burying the dead.Following the massacre there was a large increase in settlers, especially in the summer. This second wave of pioneers organized the county for independence. A petition was sent to the judge in Woodbury County, a seven-day jouey by horseback, asking for a separate organization. An election was held calling for county officials, and on August 4, 1857 Dickinson County was formed. The first courthouse was built in Spirit Lake. It was begun in 1859 and partially finished in 1860. In 1860 it was used as a barracks for Civil War troops and was completed in 1868. This building was destroyed by fire in 1872.A second courthouse was constructed using the salvageable bricks of the first courthouse, but it was soon deemed unsatisfactory and condemned in 1880.In September 1889 a $15,000 bond issue was proposed for the construction of a new courthouse. It was passed by a large majority. Construction of the third courthouse began on October 4, 1890 and was completed in 1891. Since its completion the building has seen three additions, one in 1957 and two more in 1976 and 1978. The funding for these additions came from the Federal Revenue Sharing fund.

Dickinson County Iowa Farmland Sales Resources

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Recent Farmland Sales in this County

11/14/24 162.08 Acres; $12,900/acre; 84.5 CSR2; 96.92% tillable

8/21/24 79.49acres; $15,000/acre; 84.6 CSR2; $177/CSR2; 97% tillable

8/21/24 77.29 Acres; $14,450/acre; 82.7 CSR2; 100% tillable

2/28/24 80 Acres: $14,600/acre; 87.5 CSR2; 98.75% tillable

2/28/24 80 Acres; $14,600/acre; 87.6 CSR2; 98.75% tillable

11/8/23 78.7 Acres; $8,250/acre; 77.2 CSR2; 89% tillable

11/8/23 80 Acres; $13,000/acre; 85.9 CSR2; 94% tillable

8/2/23 150.73 Acres; $16,800/acre; 88.33 CSR2; 93% tillable

8/29/23 72.76 Acres; $11,600/acre; 80 CSR2; 100% tillable

8/29/23 66.48 Acres; $11,400/acre; 84.4 CSR2; 97.5% tillable

8/29/23 159.86 Acres; $10,200/acre; 78.5 CSR2; 99% tillable

6/6/23 80.01 Acres; $10,000/acre; 72.4 CSR2; 100% tillable

6/6/23 143.69 Acres; $8,550/acre; 77.5 CSR2; 85% tillable

5/24/23 72.79 Acres; $12,200/acre; 84.8 CSR2; 95% tillable

5/24/23 67.67 Acres; $13,000/acre; 87.1 CSR2; 96.65% tillable

5/24/23 68.8 Acres; $12,100/acre; 72.6 CSR2; 96% tillable

4/5/23 80.11 Acres; $13,800/acre; 84.6 CSR2; 95% tillable

4/5/23 70.15 Acres; $14,400/acre; 81.6 CSR2; 100% tillable

3/15/23 79.9 Acres; $14,200/acre; 85.1 CSR2; 94% tillable

3/15/23 228.2 Acres; $14,000/acre; 84.1 CSR2; 95% tillable

1/26/23 160.8 Acres; $14,900/acre; 85.3 CSR2; 96% tillable

1/26/23 40.5 Acres; $13,150/acre; 86 CSR2; 94% tillable

Jason J. Smith, CAI

Photo of Jason Smith.

Dickinson County Iowa Farmland Sales

(515) 537-6633, [email protected]

Licensed to sell real estate in the state of Iowa

Dickinson County Farmland Values and Averages

All farmland values for Dickinson County are stated as averages and are not a guarantee of value in any given situation.  If you need a written farmland appraisal you should call us at 855-376-3478 to discuss how we can help you. Farmland prices can change quickly and some information on this website can be up to 12 months old depending on when you view it.  All sale results are dated so you can see the date of the sale however averages are calculated in December of each year and are based on a September to September study.

Learn More About Selling Iowa Land

You can find Farmland For Sale in Dickinson County Iowa at bid.DreamDirt.com.  Need the advice of a qualified farmland professional?  Our professional staff of Iowa auctioneers and land brokers at DreamDirt would be happy to visit with you about your situation and help guide you through the process of making an informed decision about selling farmland.  Want to continue your research?  You can find a wealth of information on our Farmland Sales and Auction Blog.