Why You Should Sell Your Farmland at Public Auction

Jan 13, 2022

As a licensed real estate agent and professional farmland auctioneer, I’m often asked, “Why should I sell my farmland at public auction?” I understand why you’d ask this question. A professionally managed farmland auction offers many powerful benefits to sellers that traditional methods of marketing simply can not provide.

Here are a few reasons why:

Sell in 60 Days or Less

Specifying a specific date on which you intend to sell a farm can create a sense of urgency with all potential buyers.

DreamDirt’s proven experience, exclusivity, award-winning marketing techniques, and website, are what allow us to stand out from our competitors. A direct sales approach combined with these qualities will bring buyers to your farmland. Additionally, your property will be aggressively promoted throughout the entire market.

National Exposure

We promote your property on a national scale, which exposes your farmland to more qualified buyers. This results in creating increased competition and competitive bidding. DreamDirt offers more advertising over a wider area with more impressions than any other auction company.

As a Seller, YOU Have Total Control

Buyers act on your schedule because you, as the seller, set the auction’s time, date, and location. Additionally, you set the terms and conditions. This eliminates all negotiations and the back-and-forth of listings. Auctions continually progress toward a higher goal, unlike listings where negotiations always go back to zero. Additionally, potential buyers will know that you plan to sell by a certain date. Therefore, they do their homework and due diligence, in advance, and arrive on auction day ready to bid.

Auctions Will Often Generate a Higher Price Than Traditional Listings

Auctions set records. Plain and simple, auction competition is responsible for setting the market. Due to competition, there are no limits on upside potential. You will always be getting top dollar for your farm as the price is always negotiated up.

This allows you to quickly close the transaction in 30 days or less. Our auctions are contingency-free, so you’ll be able to make plans based on an on-time closing of your farmland.

Non-refundable Deposits

An auction includes a non-refundable deposit that keeps buyers in the transaction. It doesn’t work that way with listings and buyers have lots of “wiggle room.” Whereas, when you sell by auction there is the best chance of closing. In the event the buyer fails to close, you get to keep their deposit. Furthermore, a deposit is usually a substantial sum of money! To this day, we have NEVER had a transaction not close when sold by auction.

Selling a farm may be the single highest transaction a person ever deals with. It’s scary for some. We have constructed an easy and safe seller experience through the use of unmatched and powerful marketing strategies. You only have one chance to sell your farm correctly. Likewise, you don’t want to wake up the day after wishing you’d done it differently. Hire a professional company that will work with you and help you achieve your goals.

If you’d like more information on selling your farmland at public auction, please contact me at 515-202-7687 to chat about our risk-free auctions!

Like my Facebook page to stay up-to-date with future auctions, blog posts, and more!

Tom Bradley

Tom Bradley

Partner, Auctioneer, Land Broker

Tom Bradley is a Partner, Agricultural Auctioneer, and Land Broker. Additionally, he is the Lead Auctioneer at DreamDirt. He is responsible for auction operations and ensuring our live and online auction teams are performing at their best. He is also a CAI designated auctioneer and licensed real estate broker, and has conducted over 1,500 auctions in his career.

Email: [email protected]

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