Auction Affiliates

Become A DreamDirt Affiliate Auctioneer

Need a boost, but don’t want to pay a percentage?  Keep your own brand and company, let us handle the technology for you.  We even give you access to our audience.  Forget the “rob you blind” model of auctioneer software and franchise fees.  We have an honest, effective and affordable option for you to grow your auction business as a DreamDirt Affiliate. DreamDirt’s proprietary online auction software was built for farm auctions by farm auctioneers.  We offer our auctioneering software for a monthly fee, no percentages, to auction companies who wish to evolve their business, utilize online auction capabilities, manage their records and gain a competitive advantage over their competitors.

Easily sell land, equipment, machinery, or personal property online. Offer your clients extensive exposure to nationwide online bidders. We offer escalating levels of use from conducting your auctions through our affiliate program right on our website to your own custom-branded online bidding site.  On top of the, the support we offer is well beyond telling you what button to push, we’ll share the secrets of growing an auction company and how to utilize technology to become a marketing leader in your area.

Oh and data security or ownership?  You own your data, period! No fancy tricky language, no if, and or but, YOU OWN IT!  We will NEVER touch your data for anything.

What Our Affiliate Auctioneers Have to Say

“DreamDirt’s online bidding platform has been life changing for our business. It has put us at the forefront of the auction industry in our region. Due to the exposure and advertisement for all of our auctions, as well as online bidding, this has linked us with potential buyers from all across the United States. DreamDirt is always available to assist and train and will do as little or as much work as needed, depending on the auction.”

– Ryan Moss | Rockin M Real Estate & Auctions, LLC

BidCapture Software Auction Affiliate Packages

Bidding Platform
*Custom Bidding Platform on your domain
Online invoicing and credit card payments
Cloud-based auction record management
Smartphone App lotting tool
Items included on DD Marketplace
*Seamlessly integrated
into your own website
Software support by
email and phone answered between 9AM-5PM M-F

*24/7 email and phone support

*24/7 email and phone support
DreamDirt platform or
WeTakeBids platform

*adding both is $150

*adding both is $150
*Training 1 person

*Training 1 person

*Up to 3 Training Sessions

*Up to 5 Training Sessions
Facebook BidCapture
support group
Social Media promotion from our pages
Weekly Conference call
Monthly marketing webinar
Monthly ala carte design
*5 hours

*10 hours
Marketing support
Technology support
Emails to DreamDirt email list
$400$600$1,000$1,600Set-up fee plus
$2,000 monthly

Become a DreamDirt Affiliate

Fill out the information below and a DreamDirt BidCapture representative will be in touch with you shortly!

Lets Talk About Taking Your Auction Company to the Next Level

We also officer a Broker/Auctioneer Partner program at DreamDirt.  On a regular basis, DreamDirt receives inquiries for farm auction or farm real estate services outside of the primary area we serve.  We often cooperate with other brokers and auctioneers to provide these clients services while harnessing the power of the DreamDirt brand.  We are always updating our list of potential Broker and Auctioneer partners across the nation and would love to include you.  We want to ensure we are partnering with the highest quality services and top producing sales services.  We’ve included a form on this page to submit your information for inclusion on our list of partners!