Iowa’s November Farmland Sales Summary

Dec 16, 2018

Jason J Smith

Jason J Smith

Auctioneer & Land Broker

Jason is an experienced farmland broker and auctioneer with extensive experience in farmland sales across this Midwest.  Jason has worked with hundreds of clients to create advantageous outcomes.  If you are selling land schedule a consultation with Jason by calling or using the calendar.

Read Jason's Full Bio Here

Phone: 515-537-6633     Email: [email protected]

Iowa Farmland Sales Volume For 80% Tillable Farms

Farmland Prices In Iowa For November, 2018

Auctioneers were busy selling farmland in November, there was significant volume of sales in November which is very typical for this time of year.  November is a popular month for farmland sales as are December through February.  This months Iowa Farmland Prices report will walk you through the results of farmland auctions for 80% tillable farms that sold across the state of Iowa.


Average Price Per CSR2 Point For Iowa Farmland

This month we saw an improvement in the dollars per csr2 point across all farmland sales from the October report.  In November the average dollars per CSR2 point was $109.10 per point.


Average Price Per Acre Of Tillable Farmland In Iowa

The average value of an acre of farmland in Iowa in November 2018 was $8334 based on the actual results of the auctions conducted across the state.  This was up from last months report slightly.  As farmland prices have softened across the state of Iowa its been somewhat difficult to interpert the results as they move up and down each month, to us in indicates some indecision among buyers but digging into the data seems to suggest that when a higher concentration of high quality farms are offered for sale it can make the results appear as if land prices are increasing rather than decreasing.   Certain situations lend themselves to lower farmland prices and that has alot to do with the volume of land that has been offered in one particular area.  Some townships that experience 3 or 4 or more sales in close proximity seem to be the most prone to showing a softer result, but we are still seeing areas producing top of the market results where fewer farms have sold or there are larger concentrations of livestock.

Selling Farmland In Iowa

If you are considering selling farmland in Iowa we can help you learn what your farm is worth and what it will take to sell it.  We have the data and the expertise to offer you professional guidance in the sale of your farmland.  You can call us at 515-537-6633 or click the link below to learn more.

November 2018 Average Price Per Acre Of Farmland

Iowa Farmland Prices Per Acre - Month View-3

Iowa Farmland Prices Per Acre - Month View-2

Iowa Farmland Prices – 12 Month Rolling Summary

Iowa Farmland Prices Per Acre 12 Month-4

Iowa Farmland Prices Year To Date Summary

Iowa Farmland Prices Per Acre YTD-3

Iowa Farmland Sales Report For November 2018 – 80% Tillable Farms

STATEWIDE TOTALS 12743.01 12080 $8,334.31 75.05 $109.10 $102,803,956.69 94.80
County Total Acres Tillable Acres Price Per Tillable Acre CSR2 $ per Tillable CSR2 Price % Tillable
Marion 87.27 86.1 $6,500.00 67.2 $96.73 $567,255.00 98.66
Ringgold 105.31 103.4 $7,050.00 78.1 $90.27 $742,435.50 98.19
Taylor 168.72 147.11 $4,950.00 71.7 $69.04 $835,164.00 87.19
Clay 32.13 28.7 $6,200.00 56.1 $110.52 $199,206.00 89.32
Clay 40 39 $8,400.00 88.1 $95.35 $336,000.00 97.50
Clay 82.26 67.25 $5,050.00 55.3 $91.32 $415,413.00 81.75
Clay 35.35 31.6 $2,200.00 39.3 $55.98 $77,770.00 89.39
Jefferson 154.19 134 $5,100.00 39.3 $129.77 $786,369.00 86.91
Jefferson 161.23 131 $5,100.00 63.90 $79.81 $822,273.00 81.25
Hancock 59.02 58.37 $9,100.00 78.90 $115.34 $537,082.00 98.90
Humboldt 166.05 166.05 $7,200.00 85.50 $84.21 $1,195,560.00 100.00
Crawford 77 77.93 $6,000.00 58.40 $102.74 $462,000.00 101.21
Jones 119 102.4 $3,500.00 43.40 $80.65 $416,500.00 86.05
Marshall 160 151.6 $8,469.00 78.10 $108.44 $1,355,040.00 94.75
Sioux 148.99 148.62 $13,600.00 88.10 $154.37 $2,026,264.00 99.75
Buena Vista 80 79 $8,500.00 86.50 $98.27 $680,000.00 98.75
Cherokee 81.33 79.8 $13,700.00 92.00 $148.91 $1,114,221.00 98.12
Cherokee 81.56 80.03 $14,700.00 95.60 $153.77 $1,198,932.00 98.12
Wright 158 157.7 $9,601.00 85.00 $112.95 $1,516,958.00 99.81
Washington 67.4 67 $6,350.00 57.20 $111.01 $427,990.00 99.41
Henry 100.19 97.64 $11,200.00 86.50 $129.48 $1,122,128.00 97.45
Emmet 96 96 $7,000.00 83.90 $83.43 $672,000.00 100.00
Emmet 40 36.98 $8,000.00 74.10 $107.96 $320,000.00 92.45
Palo Alto 80 77.85 $9,500.00 86.20 $110.21 $760,000.00 97.31
Carroll 211.88 194.27 $9,600.00 71.20 $134.83 $2,034,048.00 91.69
Tama 100 95.28 $10,000.00 94.10 $106.27 $1,000,000.00 95.28
Clay 230 225.8 $7,900.00 70.00 $112.86 $1,817,000.00 98.17
Clay 76.2 74.82 $6,700.00 81.50 $82.21 $510,540.00 98.19
Clay 80 78.38 $4,250.00 55.10 $77.13 $340,000.00 97.98
Des Moines 120.23 113.50 $6,575.00 69.10 $95.15 $790,512.25 94.40
Sac 174.11 166.09 $9,325.00 88.70 $105.13 $1,623,575.75 95.39
Wright 80 77.61 $9,500.00 85.40 $111.24 $760,000.00 97.01
Wright 76.2 73.94 $9,800.00 84.30 $116.25 $746,760.00 97.03
Adams 150 133.59 $4,600.00 63.9 $71.99 $690,000.00 89.06
Cass 221 183.73 $3,400.00 55.1 $61.71 $751,400.00 83.14
Sioux 40.39 39 $14,000.00 73.1 $191.52 $565,460.00 96.56
Plymouth 80 75.43 $9,400.00 59.5 $157.98 $752,000.00 94.29
Boone 120 115.87 $8,650.00 83.8 $103.22 $1,038,000.00 96.56
Boone 117 117 $7,700.00 78.6 $97.96 $900,900.00 100.00
Iowa 76.5 65.21 $4,900.00 64.8 $75.62 $374,850.00 85.24
Iowa 128.5 123.4 $4,450.00 49 $90.82 $571,825.00 96.03
Iowa 160 147.3 $2,800.00 41.70 $67.15 $448,000.00 92.06
Davis 30 28.4 $7,200.00 55.20 $130.43 $216,000.00 94.67
Woodbury 107.27 93.19 $6,000.00 61.60 $97.40 $643,620.00 86.87
Woodbury 80 76.11 $6,650.00 72.30 $91.98 $532,000.00 95.14
Henry 58.02 58 $4,400.00 65.60 $67.07 $255,288.00 99.97
Allamakee 156 150.9 $7,179.00 76.90 $93.36 $1,119,924.00 96.73
Louisa 62.81 59.02 $10,500.00 82.50 $127.27 $659,505.00 93.97
Palo Alto 119.3 119.3 $9,000.00 82.60 $108.96 $1,073,700.00 100.00
O’Brien 78.09 78.09 $14,100.00 98.90 $142.57 $1,101,069.00 100.00
Lyon 80.39 79.39 $14,200.00 94.00 $151.06 $1,141,538.00 98.76
Emmet 80 79.61 $6,000.00 75.80 $79.16 $480,000.00 99.51
Linn 122 121.86 $14,700.00 92.50 $158.92 $1,793,400.00 99.89
Greene 80 74.46 $10,100.00 84.40 $119.67 $808,000.00 93.08
Greene 81.81 75.49 $8,950.00 82.30 $108.75 $732,199.50 92.27
Palo Alto 160 131.2 $4,675.00 75.60 $61.84 $748,000.00 82.00
Cedar 80 78.4 $7,900.00 78.80 $100.25 $632,000.00 98.00
Dickinson 46.08 41.6 $5,700.00 79.20 $71.97 $262,656.00 90.28
Iowa 138 117 $3,400.00 46.80 $72.65 $469,200.00 84.78
Tama 156 147.54 $8,550.00 86.60 $98.73 $1,333,800.00 94.58
Lyon 80 76.69 $16,400.00 68.20 $240.47 $1,312,000.00 95.86
Lyon 77.25 75.89 $14,250.00 66.80 $213.32 $1,100,812.50 98.24
Butler 500 497.01 $8,880.00 90.00 $98.67 $4,440,000.00 99.40
Poweshiek 34 32.9 $9,700.00 76.60 $126.63 $329,800.00 96.76
Poweshiek 158 150.64 $5,200.00 53.20 $97.74 $821,600.00 95.34
Buena Vista 80.48 79.8 $7,000.00 82.50 $84.85 $563,360.00 99.16
Buena Vista 80.48 70 $5,000.00 73.10 $68.40 $402,400.00 86.98
Buena Vista 71.29 69 $7,475.00 82.60 $90.50 $532,892.75 96.79
Tama 153.53 153.53 $13,900.00 94.00 $147.87 $2,134,067.00 100.00
Dickinson 155 152.01 $7,000.00 85.50 $81.87 $1,085,000.00 98.07
Sioux 57.01 55.55 $14,025.00 91.80 $152.78 $799,565.25 97.44
Sioux 41.47 38.6 $13,250.00 89.40 $148.21 $549,477.50 93.08
Floyd 52.5 52.21 $6,300.00 59.90 $105.18 $330,750.00 99.45
Page 77.03 72.66 $7,300.00 72.5 $100.69 $562,319.00 94.33
Page 74.79 74.69 $6,600.00 66.4 $99.40 $493,614.00 99.87
Page 158 145.85 $4,510.00 62.8 $71.82 $712,580.00 92.31
Marshall 39 38.41 $7,500.00 71.4 $105.04 $292,500.00 98.49
Keokuk 40 39.33 $12,900.00 90.4 $142.70 $516,000.00 98.33
Keokuk 80 76.83 $12,700.00 90.1 $140.95 $1,016,000.00 96.04
Keokuk 78.5 75.83 $11,750.00 79.9 $147.06 $922,375.00 96.60
Keokuk 40 39.1 $7,750.00 61.7 $125.61 $310,000.00 97.75
Lyon 40 39.71 $13,400.00 86.40 $155.09 $536,000.00 99.28
Lee 90.92 89.73 $11,200.00 69.40 $161.38 $1,018,304.00 98.69
Henry 122.78 108.64 $6,248.00 67.60 $92.43 $767,129.44 88.48
Appanoose 78.71 75.1 $6,000.00 60.10 $99.83 $472,260.00 95.41
Appanoose 46.42 43.45 $6,250.00 61.10 $102.29 $290,125.00 93.60
Jefferson 120.99 106.23 $5,700.00 60.00 $95.00 $689,643.00 87.80
Decatur 162.45 147 $3,580.00 41.70 $85.85 $581,571.00 90.49
VanBuren 59.04 51.04 $5,900.00 66.20 $89.12 $348,336.00 86.45
Poweshiek 120 112.39 $8,350.00 84.80 $98.47 $1,002,000.00 93.66
Sioux 40.41 38.61 $12,900.00 86.40 $149.31 $521,289.00 95.55
Sioux 45.39 44.4 $13,250.00 84.20 $157.36 $601,417.50 97.82
O’Brien 45 44.44 $13,000.00 91.30 $142.39 $585,000.00 98.76
O’Brien 75 69 $12,200.00 89.60 $136.16 $915,000.00 92.00
Poweshiek 13.49 12.77 $9,500.00 96.1 $98.86 $128,155.00 94.66
Poweshiek 114.04 103.52 $5,500.00 71.2 $77.25 $627,220.00 90.78
Poweshiek 70.45 65.63 $7,000.00 77 $90.91 $493,150.00 93.16
Poweshiek 80 66.27 $4,900.00 61.2 $80.07 $392,000.00 82.84
Lee 18.85 15.5 $2,750.00 28.8 $95.49 $51,837.50 82.23
Jasper 160 147.62 $6,000.00 69.80 $85.96 $960,000.00 92.26
Butler 49 46.9 $8,900.00 83.30 $106.84 $436,100.00 95.71
Butler 100 90.9 $6,500.00 82.80 $78.50 $650,000.00 90.90
Jasper 168 157.78 $4,500.00 52.40 $85.88 $756,000.00 93.92
Lyon 89.41 73.55 $7,925.00 69.90 $113.38 $708,574.25 82.26
Pocahontas 41 43.3 $9,800.00 87.10 $112.51 $401,800.00 105.61
Pocahontas 40 38.93 $7,700.00 81.90 $94.02 $308,000.00 97.33
Pocahontas 169.27 169 $6,700.00 72.10 $92.93 $1,134,109.00 99.84
Pocahontas 119.62 118 $7,400.00 77.90 $94.99 $885,188.00 98.65
Dickinson 160 157.37 $7,175.00 79.50 $90.25 $1,148,000.00 98.36
Dickinson 160 151.82 $7,600.00 86.70 $87.66 $1,216,000.00 94.89
Butler 70 68.51 $4,900.00 71.70 $68.34 $343,000.00 97.87
Buena Vista 119.35 117.3 $8,800.00 86.20 $102.09 $1,050,280.00 98.28
Johnson 69 63.13 $9,300.00 80.10 $116.10 $641,700.00 91.49
Hancock 160 152.12 $8,800.00 80.50 $109.32 $1,408,000.00 95.08
Sioux 80 78.41 $11,750.00 92.70 $126.75 $940,000.00 98.01
Calhoun 90.4 91.35 $7,700.00 81.90 $94.02 $696,080.00 101.05
Audubon 232.18 223.71 $11,800.00 70.50 $167.38 $2,739,724.00 96.35
Audubon 80 77.28 $13,000.00 73.30 $177.35 $1,040,000.00 96.60
Boone 79 79 $8,300.00 84.60 $98.11 $655,700.00 100.00
Boone 73 73 $8,400.00 80.08 $104.90 $613,200.00 100.00
Clarke 54 49.76 $6,481.00 72.80 $89.02 $349,974.00 92.15
O’Brien 153 149 $13,000.00 98.10 $132.52 $1,989,000.00 97.39
O’Brien 95 95 $12,500.00 94.60 $132.14 $1,187,500.00 100.00
O’Brien 102 100.23 $12,500.00 92.40 $135.28 $1,275,000.00 98.26
O’Brien 105 100.16 $10,750.00 88.00 $122.16 $1,128,750.00 95.39
Dickinson 113.73 112 $5,200.00 74.90 $69.43 $591,396.00 98.48

Featured Farmland Auction In Iowa

Join us on December 28th for this high quality tillable farmland auction in Wright County Iowa.  This farm will sell as 1 tract and the buyer will get full possession of the farm on March 1, 2019. View the farmland auction listing at

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