Iowa Land Prices November 26th – Dec 2nd

Dec 6, 2022

Iowa Farmland Prices November 26th – December 2nd, 2022

A total of 2,293.10 acres were sold in Iowa this past week. The average price per acre for the 26 tillable land auctions was $12,246.19/acre and $164.56/CSR2 point. Learn more about CSR2.

Top Selling Farms in Iowa

This week’s top-selling farm was 45.76 acres in Sioux County, IA on December 1st near Rock Valley, Iowa which sold for $23,750/acre. This farm had an 87.3 CSR2 resulting in a $272.05/CSR2 point. Second place went to 63 acres in Kossuth County Northwest of Wesley, Iowa. This farm sold for $17,800/acre on December 1st, and has a 79.2 CSR2, resulting in a $224.75/CSR2 point. Third place went to Benton County, Iowa. This 75 acre farm with an 87.6 CSR2 sold for $16,400/acre or $187.21/CSR2 point. Check out the table below to see results from all 26 farmland auctions in Iowa.

Farmland Appraisal for Iowa Land

We have several farm auctions coming up soon! Additionally, we are booking appointments with sellers to sell land by the end of the year. If you are thinking of selling reach out to us today for a free market analysis! 

Farmland For Sale in Iowa

We have farmland auctions coming up in Iowa! Check them out at 

241.37 acres of Farmland in Clarke County, IA | CASH RENT AUCTION

Jason J Smith

Jason J Smith

Auctioneer & Land Broker

Jason is an experienced farmland broker and auctioneer with extensive experience in farmland sales across this Midwest.  Jason has worked with hundreds of clients to create advantageous outcomes.  If you are selling land schedule a consultation with Jason by calling or using the calendar.

Read Jason's Full Bio Here

Phone: 515-537-6633     Email: [email protected]

Iowa Current Farmland Prices Per Acre

County State Total Acres Price Per Tillable Acre CSR2 $ per Tillable CSR2
Boone Iowa 95 $13,000.00 84.2 $154.39
Kossuth Iowa 160 $14,700.00 79.7 $184.44
Marion Iowa 85.32 $5,500.00 50 $110.00
Marion Iowa 93.93 $8,100.00 75.6 $107.14
Palo Alto Iowa 80 $11,800.00 79.5 $148.43
Sioux Iowa 91.17 $15,000.00 53 $283.02
Winnebago Iowa 78.5 $14,100.00 85 $165.88
Franklin Iowa 76.4 $7,600.00 62.5 $121.60
Jackson Iowa 78 $14,600.00 72.7 $200.83
Jones Iowa 115 $10,600.00 51 $207.84
Lyon Iowa 68.9 $11,000.00 71.5 $153.85
Lyon Iowa 56.84 $5,900.00 64.1 $92.04
Worth Iowa 76 $12,101.00 85.7 $141.20
Benton Iowa 75 $16,400.00 87.6 $187.21
Cedar Iowa 111.36 $14,700.00 84.5 $173.96
Hamilton Iowa 152 $12,600.00 71.7 $175.73
Hancock Iowa 39.08 $16,000.00 84.2 $190.02
Kossuth Iowa 63 $17,800.00 79.2 $224.75
Poweshiek Iowa 14 $12,100.00 76.7 $157.76
Sioux Iowa 45.76 $23,750.00 87.3 $272.05
Wright Iowa 160 $14,250.00 82.4 $172.94
Adair Iowa 80 $7,800.00 53.6 $145.52
Adair Iowa 77.67 $7,700.00 64.8 $118.83
Hancock Iowa 120 $9,900.00 82 $120.73
Hancock Iowa 120 $6,000.00 68.2 $87.98
Osceola Iowa 80.17 $15,400.00 85.4 $180.33
STATEWIDE TOTALS 2293.1 $12,246.19 73.93 $164.56
Iowa Land Prices at A GlanceFor people who wish to visualize and research Iowa farmland prices, our heat maps have been a huge help. Here you can research your farm’s proximity or the statewide market and see individual sale results. This includes average prices per acre, the average price per CSR2 point, as well as volumes of sales, and the number of acres sold. Use this market price research tool right here at DreamDirt. Click the Iowa map to get started.
Request a Free Valuation for Your Farm or Land PropertyYou can request a FREE Market Analysis whether you’re ready to sell or just curious! Our goal is to help you reach the top of the market when selling land in the Midwest.
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